We created Onlinestar Management because we wanted to create the best chat communication services for back office management in the world to help connect departments and streamline results and customer satisfaction. We found a lack of great chat management services in the market so we decided to create our own.
Our team wants to assist businesses with connecting information to department heads and allowing owners of businesses to have a birds eye view of all departments and inquires related.
As an entrepreneur myself I felt the pain of having to go through emails which takes so much time, and trust blindly staff heads and employees on critical aspects of business. But then from my 8 years of operations experience, 10 years of customer support experience, and my bachelors in Business Management. I decided to solve my own issue by creating a chat service to connect my departments and oversee workflow from the palm of my hand as an entrepreneur. This gave me the ability to work more efficiently and save time. Time is money and going through emails and being in and out of meetings and zooms takes up so much time. Time that can be spent to growing the business and or focusing on my love within my business, my craft.
My chat allowed me to focus on what I dominate in. And create efficiency and simplicity for my weakness. So I can spend more time to my strengths, and automate weakness while still handling all other business related inquires.